Tek Phneak Kmean Stav| Kam |ទឹកភ្នែកក្មេងស្ទាវ

2015-11-11 1

Khem New Song 2015​, ខេម Hi all Here is a collection of Kam and Khmer oldies by famous artists song. I hope you like it and stay tuned for more songs.\r
town, sd, rhm, hrm, pleng record, pleng record, productionm production khem khem new songs 2014 sovath preap sovath preap sovath old song sereymon .\r
Tek Pnek Kmeng Steav, ទឹកភ្នែកក្មេងស្ទាវ Khem Tek Pnek Kmeng Steav - Khem New song Khem New Song 2015 / Tek Pnek Kmeng Steav / Keo .\r
Town Production Songs Collection Song: Cham Bat Cham Bat + Terk Pnek Kmeng Peal + Bropun Khjom Yom Nerk Songsa + Khjom Klach Huy Luy + Pu Moto .